Thursday, February 18, 2010

A longdistancecall? What do they want this time?

I had a dream
And then came Love
I had to choose
I lost both, eitherway.

My exes haunt me in my dreams
The most shallow ones first.

A vision of a bedroom
The one from my first love
While listening to the breathing
Of an unimportant approach.

How alone can you get?
How isolated can you become?

Signed: the past.

And now? Let's talk another time
Situations change
People stay the same
But still ... love remains a complicated thing.
A blank slate

A future

Still to be written.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I loved to see you cry
The anger of your tears
welling down in a fountain of pain
the outburst after the drop
the fury of the passion

Maybe it's just me
Maybe it's the world
But it shows ...
emotion and passion still invoke fear.